dog problem....
the small dog’s nose is a mess of broken blisters for some strange
reason. they flowered over the night - and on friday - we woke to
a very unattractive nasal protrubence… she isn’t thrilled.
neither are we. and she continues to display her ‘non-thrilled’
feelings by rubbing what remains of her nose all over the place -
leaving a trail of blood and gore.
my trick today - on what should be a ‘kick back and do all the
things i never think of doing when the wiz is around’ sort of day, i am
calling verterinary clinics in desperation - trying to find a suitable
- walking - distance medical solution for the beastie.
i told her she wasn’t that homely with all the gruesome ooze, and she hid behind a chair.
she didn’t believe me.