Who's in *YOUR* RSS Reader?
In my RSS reader:
- Rob Hyndman***pretty damn savvy for a lawyer
- etc.***for those times when you have time. Always has something worth poking around at.
- factory City***just because I also really like Horse,Pig,Cow
- Telecom Trends***how else would I know what the CRTC has up its sleeve?
- Alec Saunders .LOG***VoIP is a big deal. Alec knows all about it.
- Matthew Ingram***Pretty much the techiest newspaper journalist there is (especially since Mark Evans defected to the blog world.
- The Good Blogs***it just goes without saying.
- How To of the Day***because some days you want to know how to do things.
- Digital Photography School***always handy to sprinkle in some real learning.
- The BIG NYC Adventure***the story of a gurl transplanted from Toronto to NYC
- craphound.com***he's from canada, he's a scifi writer, he's done 7 billion cool things. Nuff said.
- Dooce***everyone needs Dooce
- Successful Blog***a girl can always dream
- the.idea.dude***ideas are GOOD.
- a rain of frogs***blogs are not always simply about the good side
- ProBlogger Job Board***for when I want to think about career changes
- Mighty Goods***quite possibly the best for shopping
Technorati Tags: rss reader, jules dot ca
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