spring in my step...
.. it felt like it was really going to be spring this weekend… and it was well on its way. It was a good chickadee weekend… full of long dog walks and rollerblading and shopping and hilarity. We even watched Labyrinth. I’m getting a kick out of introducing the chickadees to the movies i grew up with… Nest weekend we will try Willow and The Neverending Story
I’m sure their biggest thrills of the weekend were being able to be outside without a winter coat, and shopping and getting fun stuff… and of course, eating home-made chinese stirfry with chopsticks. Both the wiz and i had to refrain from being too shocked when the littlest chick actually mastered the sticks amazingly. I think we were put to shame ;-) It’s taken me 4 years to even get to "un-embarassing" with chopsticks ;-)
Now we all have fun dressy stuff to wear out - we just need places to go ;-)