a bad sign...
the end is nigh for spot…. stay tuned for tomorow’s episode…. :-( he’s fighting it now, but it doesn’t look good for the little guy.
technorati tags: spot, beta, death watch, siamese fighting fish
his gills are still gilling, but his posture hasn’t changed. when i swirl the water around in his (giant sized) wine glass, he perks up, and then returns to lounge position.
Fish should NOT lounge.
… he’s still vaguely alive, and i use that “alive” term very loosely. I’ve even resorted to asking for professional help. Waiting for the prognosis now.
If he holds up over the weekend, perhaps we can suspend the deathwatch. Although, I’m expecting to return to a floater and a funeral :-(
… Spot survived the weekend. He’s back in his huge tank, and he’s on the mend. I don’t know what he went through, but he’s coming through it!