Why No One in Canada Is Talking About the Sea Shepherd and the Seals
Last week, the Canadian Coast Guard attacked and boarded the Farley Mowat, the Sea Shepherd's vessel, resulting in arrests all around. The folks aboard the Sea Shepherd aren't your average conservation folks. They are some pretty bright, respected individuals who volunteer from around the world, spotlighting the utter ridiculousness of the Canadian Seal hunt.
There's lots of global attention, and yet very little is being said within the Canadian media industry, until today. Yesterday, Farley Mowat joined the volunteers from Sea Shepherd in the media spotlight.
The Sidney Herald has one doctor's account of the terrors of the Canadian Coast Guard Attack.
CTV covers Farley Mowat donating half the bail needed for the crew of the ship that bears his name.
Atleast the Ottawa Citizen has a bit of decent coverage.
At some point, the government and folks in the east will realize that times have changed, that *ways of life* do NOT necessarily need to be preserved (at some point, people thought slavery was an acceptable way of life). The seal hunt is an antiquated, inhumane practice. Had the Canadian government spent as much on the hunters in re-training, relocation or creating a new industry as they did this year on *marketing* and coast guard operating expenses, the Canadian Seal hunt would cease to be a big deal.
Technorati Tags: Sea Shepherd, Farley Mowat, Canada, Seal Hunt