WBL – From One Angle – June 3, 1972.
Sometime this summer we’ll spend a few days at our cottage at Inverhuron, which is located on Lake Huron - half way between Kincardine and Port Elgin. And one of the first things we’ll do is check on the sand dunes. These strange, moving hills of pure sand have been landmarks at this beach for perhaps a hundred years. There are other Ontario areas possessing dunes – Prince Edward County. for instance – where the natives are watching carefully while a cement company strips a sixteen-acre area of sand for its operation The Inverhuron dunes, 45 years ago, covered an area of, we would guess, scores of acres. The dunes have been reduced by the influx of cottagers until today the area is reduced to a fraction. During our early days at this beach, there were several abandoned yellow brick homes back a quarter of a mile or so from the shore that were being buried by the wind-blown sand or had been transformed into small sunken fortresses, dry – moats around them fashioned by the winds engaged in a careful but directional caprice. There were large sectors which if you were able to ignore the presence of bordering spruce and cedar woods, could be likened to small Saharas; but the “camels” were ranging dogs and the “Bedouin” were usually small boys venturing, burned and hot, across the scorching sands. Some of the dunes were fifteen or more feet thick; dune slopes gracefully smooth, carved as ingeniously as a Henry Moore sculpture.
Provided by Frank Leslie - Feb 6 2015