New Tactic to Get Results on YouTube Goes Up In Flames
Girl burned in lighter fluid attack Oct. 4, 2006. 08:02 PM
13-year-old girl suffered second-degree burns to her chest after two boys sprayed her with lighter fluid and set her shirt on fire in York, police say.Two teenage boys were recording themselves with a digital camera as they played with lighter fluid and set their clothing on fire in the Eglinton Ave. W. and Black Creek Dr. area around 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, police said.When the girl who was with them refused to have her own clothing ignited, she was held down, sprayed with lighter fluid and had her T-shirt lit on fire, police said.Two 15-year-old boys, who cannot be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, are charged with aggravated assault, mischief endangering life and assault with a weapon. - Girl burned in lighter fluid attack
My thoughts and sadness go out to this girl. Thank god it wasn't any worse that it was.
My first thought after reading this story - "the boys were trying to make a video to put on" I bet I'm not far off the truth. Sad commentary. I can only hope that the punishment is severe, and that it's the punishment that gets the publicity, as opposed to the act.
My second thought - "why the hell would a 13 year old girl's parents let her hang around with 15 year old boys?"
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