Art.Com Upgrade Screws Loyal Customers
I've been a thrilled customer for the past few months, I'veblogged about how amazing the service has been, the timing, the qualityand the pricing.... I just ordered and received my most recent 4pieces, and they are outstanding. I returned to the site last night topurchase an additional 4 pieces, only to discover that the photos toart section had been changed, and not changed for the better. Allmonth i've been on the site, reading that a new site was to belaunched, and I was anticipating great and wonderful changes, but notthe nonsense that greeted me last night:
- reduced functionality on galleries
- limits on the effects that can be applied to photos
- limits on the canvas sizes
- increase in prices by 50%
- now a "brushstroke" effect adds another $20 the the pricetag.
Please tell me that the new site is only in *phase 1* of the upgrade,that you will return all the fantastic effects that can be applied tothe photos, or in the very least, that the original site can functionat 100%, no blackmailing with frames allowed. Oh, and how about some compromise in pricing?
Technorati Tags:, canvas, photos, "customer screwing"
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