Smog - or Just a Cold?
After spending a weekend in the country, the drive back to the city saw the beginnings of sniffles and stuffed up nose… I thought it was just the smog - after all, i could barely see the skyline, the soup was so very thick…
I popped a reactine before bed, but woke this morning to the strangest cold like symptoms, scratchy throat and cotton head. But nothing else… I don’t get it… it sort of reminds me of a cold - but i can breathe (sort of), and my throat is better, if only feeling thick. The problem is, I haven’t had a cold in about 7 years…. really really. Drives the Wiz insane…
I don’t think this is a cold, i think it’s from the smog, and it feels ugly.
Great news - methinks it was the smog… and nothing more ;-)
YAY - i didn’t ruin my long standing cold-free record.
Man, smog is bad.