The Greatest Domain Name Scam Ever!!!!!!!!
If you aren’t on the technical side, or if you happen to be one of the thousands of Canadians who have domain names, and don’t really keep track of where the domain is (sometimes i can be accused of this), it looks like a very official and professional warning. It’s VERY ballsy.
I got an email the other day from them, saying that they needed me to unlock one of the domains that I had with Network Solutions. I send them a polite no-thank you response, assuming that it was a domain hijack attempt. A lame one, at that.
I didn’t think anything more of it, until today, and they responded with a “but we have your money” answer and I was floored. The notice was mailed to the company who I registered the domain for, and they had received the notice, thinking it was official and regular and important. Everyone and their granny now knows the importance of keeping your domain name paid up. It’s almost as critical as your mortgage.
Anyways, the cheque had been sent. And now the DROC wanted to get its grubby hands on the domain.
I don’t think Hell is cold enough for that little trick to fly.
I immediately called them tonight, canceled the move request, gave the customer service fellow a terse warning and extracted the refund. It’s not illegal, but it’s certainly not good business, nor is it even playing fair. Nasty bit of work. Watch out for the Domain Registry of Canada. Oh, and they’ve got a sister organization, the Domain Registry of America. Snappy name. Misleading name.
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